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Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012
Notepad++ 6.2
Notepad++ 6.2 adalah sebuah Freeware pengganti Notepad bawaan windows dengan Source Kode. Notepad++ 6.2 ini mendukung beberapa bahasa pemrograman. Notepad++ ditulis dalam C++ dan menggunakan Win32 API murni dan STL yang menjamin kecepatan eksekusi lebih tinggi dan ukuran program yang lebih kecil, Notepad++ 6.2 ini cocok dipakai untuk membuat/mengedit file berformat php, cpp, html, dan sebagainya. Screenshot
Syntax Highlighting and Syntax Folding
User Defined Syntax Highlighting and Folding: screenshot 1, screenshot 2, screenshot 3 and screenshot 4
GUI entirely customizable: minimalist, tab with close button, multi-line tab, vertical tab and vertical document list
Document Map
Auto-completion: Word completion, Function completion and Function parameters hint
Multi-Document (Tab interface)
WYSIWYG (Printing)
Zoom in and zoom out
Multi-Language environment supported
Macro recording and playback
Launch with different arguments
Notepad++ v6.2 includes a new User Defined Languge (UDL2) system, the key features of UDL2 are:
More keyword groups were added (more syntax highlighting can be defined): - 3 folding groups - 8 keyword groups - 2 comment groups - 1 number definitons - 2 operators groups - 8 delimiter sets
Multipart keywords are supported (for example: "else if" can be defined as a single keyword)
Whitespace is no longer mandatory as keyword separator: Operators, Delimiters and Folding keywords can be recognized with or without whitespace separators.
Numbers recognition support is greatly improved (prefix, suffix, range and extra symbols supported).
Operators and delimiters can be longer than one character.
The same characters can be used as comments AND operators.
Comments and delimiters support nesting (even within each other).
Improvments to Comments include: - Comment folding - Comment continuation - Comment only start at the beginning of line
In the case of several comment pairs defined, comment open symbols match only with comment close symbols of the same order. (for example: /* C comment */, /+ D comment +/, but not /* mixed comment +/)
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