Selasa, 31 Juli 2012

Download Karaoke Sound Tools + Serial Number

Jika sobat hobi dengan yang namanya karaoke software ini mungkin bisa membantu sobat dalam hal editing musik. karena sobat bisa membuat sendiri musik karaoke. untuk lebih tepatnya dengan software ini sobat bisa mengurangi volume suara dari si penyanyi. jadi sobat bisa tralala trilili dengan musik yang sobat ciptakan sendiri. software ini benama karaoke sound tools yang lumayan bisa mengisi aktifitas sobat dalam menciptakan musik tanpa vocal. jadi suara vocalnya bisa bisa sobat isi sendiri dengan merekam melalui tools yang telah disediakan. gimana mau mencoba benyanyi..... 

In english :
Do you have hobby singging,? gest what...? I think you can make music for the soundtrack and you can use software karaoke sound tools for reduce the voice of the singer, or i can say karaoke sound tools is software that able delete or reduce(remove) voice the singer, and the the singer become to be you, 

Features :
· There is Vocal remover to remove vocal parts from CD recordings
· You can Control the amount of bass and treble processing
· Remove vocals from non-centered recordings using balance
· Adjust vocal removing level and output attenuation
· There is Key changer to adjust the song to singers voice
· You can change the pitch in -12 to +12 semitone (half-note steps) range
· after processing, music instruments nor vocal have no chipmunk or time speed up or down, holding the tempo the same as if the original studio recorded in your key
· Able to process karaoke songs with lyrics (BIN and MP3+G)
· Tempo changer to speed up or slow down the song
· Make change the tempo of the song from two times slower to twice as fast
· And You can arange tempo changer retains the original key of the song
· Able to process karaoke songs with lyrics -- they will be adjusted to stay in sync

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